Last updated February 23, 2025
1.To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, places of worship and throughout the community;
2. To raise the standards of home life;
3. To advocate for laws that further the education, physical and mental health, welfare, and safety of children and youth;
4. To promote the collaboration and engagement of families and educators in the education of children and youth;
5. To engage the public in united efforts to secure the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social well being of all children and youth;
6. To advocate for fiscal responsibility regarding public tax dollars in public education funding.
Aletha "Renee" DeBiase, President
Lora Pangratz, Second VP
Ryan Blosser, VP of Legislation
VACANT, VP of Membership
Bruce O. Butz, Treasurer
Robert J. Reschly, Jr., Secretary
Wade Sewell, Board of Education Representative
VACANT, Principal's Representative, HCPA
Kelley Fonger, Teacher's Representative, HCEA
Camden Seaborn, Student Representative, HCRASC
Carol Ellis, Audit Chair
VACANT, Awards Chair
Robert J. Reschly, Jr., Bylaws Chair
Laura Runyeon, Diversity and Inclusion Chair
Carrie Jareed, Hospitality Chair
Stephanie Flasch, Local PTA Liaison
Sandra Monaco, Nominating Committee Chair
Carol Ellis, Reflections Chair
Bruce O. Butz, Scholarship Chair