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​The Harford County Council of PTA Betty Bull Award

By Bruce Butz, Scholarship Committee Chair

The Harford County Council of PTA, Inc. (HCCPTA) is pleased to announce its scholarship program for the 2024/2025 school year in which up to four $1,000.00 awards will be presented (dependent on sufficient funding and application content).

The purpose of this award program is to provide financial assistance to students of the Parent Teacher Student Association who are pursuing their goal toward advanced education.

Since 1988, the HCCPTA has sponsored this award in honor of Mrs. Bull and her tireless, selfless efforts on behalf of children's welfare. She served during the 1950s as National PTA Legislative Chair, Maryland PTA President, Maryland PTA Legislative Chair, HCCPTA President, and President of the Jarrettsville Elementary School PTA. She was also President of the Maryland Council on Education following World War II. Mrs. Bull died on November 13, 1990, at the age of 86. The Harford County Council PTA continues this award program in her memory.

The Betty Bull Award NEW Deadline is April 15, 2025.   Download the application!


1. Must be a senior in a Harford County public high school.

2. Must have applied to and been accepted by at least one post-secondary institution, e.g., college, technical school, etc.

3. Must have achieved a minimum GPA of 2.0.

4. A copy of the PTA/PTSA membership card(s) for the Applicant must be provided. In lieu of this requirement, you may obtain the signature of only the PTA/PTSA President verifying PTA membership. 

5. Money awarded by the scholarship must be used for tuition, transportation, books and other associated materials, room and board to a college or technical school

Selection Criteria: (Rating for Award applicants is based on a scale of 100%.)

  1. Goals (15%)
  2. Volunteer work/Extracurricular activities (30%)
  3. Grades (GPA counts as 10% of the final process)
  4. Written application (5%) 
  5. Letters of Reference (5%)
  6. Financial need (5%)
  7. PTA/PTSA involvement (30%)


  1. Complete the application, also available online at
  2. Verify that all supporting materials required below are submitted in your packet.
  3. Your packet may be emailed to, Subject: “Betty Bull Award Selection Committee” or mail to:

Betty Bull Award Selection Committee
Harford County Council of PTA, Inc.
P. O. Box 435

Bel Air, MD 21014

Deadline: Application must be postmarked prior to and received by April 15, 2025.


1.  Completed 2025 Award Application and Parts I, II & III by the deadline date. (Received by April 15, 2025)

2.  Sealed Transcript of high school credits earned, including senior year 1st semester and GPA. In lieu of a sealed transcript, please have your guidance counselor email your transcript to: (Subject: [Applicant name] - Betty Bull Award Transcript) by April 15, 2025.

3.  Two letters of recommendation from teachers, employers, sponsor, etc. (Family members may NOT be included as references)

4.  Copy of a current PTSA or PTA membership card or signature of only a PTSA/PTA President verifying PTA/PTSA membership of applicant.

Last Updated:  23 February 2025